Monday, February 11, 2013

Inspiration Where You Least Expect It

A Super Bowl Commercial Hits Home for Us at Nu Tone Construction
Religious or not, the 2013 Dodge Ram Super Bowl commercial moved us. It gave us goose bumps and warmed our hearts with a sense of pride, ending with the quote “to the farmer in all of us.”
To the farmer in all of us. To the individual who invests long hours, ensuring all of their responsibilities are handled plus more. To the individual who is invested in their community, even after their long day, because they see the potential of what it could be. To the individual who is able to create something from very little, if nothing at all. To the individual who, when needed, finishes their 40 hour work week by Tuesday, and puts in another 72 hours. To the individual who sacrifices. To the individual who does not cut corners. To the individual who is strong enough to handle the heavy lifting in life yet gentle enough for the delicate details. This is the farmer in all of us.
“Farmers” are not exclusive to the agricultural industry. Farmers are found in our teachers, single mothers, and many small business owners.
Nu Tone Construction is lucky enough to have an owner that is nothing short of a farmer in our industry. He is the brain behind our designs and the driving force behind our success. His day usually begins around 4 a.m. and ends well after 11 p.m. (if he is lucky). He works 7 days a week, 365 days a year. He is consistently looking for new ways to improve the community that has supported him throughout the years and is always trying to help the person next to him. And just like a farmer, he started in construction by following in his father’s footsteps. He finds his success when both the company’s clients and employees are happy. And he strives to always keep the “family-owned” culture intact. He does not look for exposure or credit for his work (as it is, this will probably get us in trouble). He is simply looking to provide quality products for fair market prices.
The ability to be a farmer, whether in agriculture or not, takes a certain type of person. A farmer is someone who is not looking for the quick profit. Someone who is willing to commit a major portion of their daily lives to the job. Someone who knows what their passion and purpose is and makes this their driving force every morning when they wake up.   
Farmers motivate and inspire the rest of us to be better, to do better. They are the role models that are improving today’s society for tomorrow’s generations.
This is for Nu Tone’s farmer, from the crops you have invested in. That when our paths part, as they will at some point in time, you know you have made a difference in our lives and the lives of others.

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