Wednesday, November 21, 2012

DIY - Hanging Holiday Lights Outdoors

Conquering holiday lights can be easy... with a few tips!

With Thanksgiving tomorrow… we figured some assistance with the holiday decorating might be in order. Once the food coma subsides, a lot of people take the long holiday weekend to tackle the task of decorating for the holidays.
As part of our DIY Project Assistance Series, one Facebook friend asked the easiest way to hang holiday lights outdoors.

Obvious answer may be to hire someone. But what is the fun in that!! Today, it is much easier to find items to assist your exact needs for hanging holiday lights. Your local hardware store should have most options.
Preparation is probably the key to accomplish hanging holiday lights with the least amount of headache. First, decide where you will be attaching the lights (i.e. along the gutters, along the roof, to the trim, etc.) as this will determine the best item to use to secure the strand (see next paragraph for choice of fastener). Next, it is important to measure approximately the length in lights you will want to use as well as the length in extension cords. You will want a fastener every 2-3 ft. so be sure to calculate how many you will need to purchase. Now here is some of the best advice – purchase about 25% more than what you calculate! You can always return unused items. But being on top of the roof and running out of supplies will do nothing but damper the holiday spirit!

We should also remind you that if using lights from the previous year, check to ensure they are still good prior to hanging up. This too can cause a Scrooge attitude upon completion and realizing the strand in the middle of the roof doesn’t work!
Now for the fastener of choice! When attaching lights along gutters or roofs, use the plastic clips made for the job. These grip to shingles or gutters and have a hook for the strand to go through. When attaching lights to the trim, there are tube light clips or nail-on plastic clips, both of which do the job. Another option is cup hooks, which can stay up year round and come in a variety of sizes and colors (these can also sometimes be less expensive). Most find it easiest to drill a small hole prior to screwing the cup cooks in, if that is what you are using. If none of these fasteners seem like your cup of tea, do as Chevy Chase does and use a staple gun! Start by attaching the fasteners 2-3 ft. apart and add additional fasteners where needed.

The last item you will want to ensure you have is a ladder tall enough to reach the highest points of your decorating plan! Also, if you do not have an assistant to hold the ladder and hand you necessary items – find one of those too! It is estimated that more than 6,000 injuries occur every year due to holiday decorating. For your safety – save the hot totties and spiced cider for after the job is done!
Once your materials are purchased, it is time to conquer this DIY project! Prior to beginning – ensure you do not have an empty stomach. As we have learned – low blood sugar does nothing but contribute to the frustration that can become a DIY project!
Next decision to completing this project is a personal preference. And when polling our office staff – the answers varied! You can either hang all of the hooks (again 2 -3 ft. apart) and then attach the lights and adjust from there. Or hang each hook and attach the light strand as you go along. Again, this is completely dependent on the individual’s preference as we had compelling arguments in favor of both methods.

Begin hanging your holiday lights from the electrical outlet you will be plugging them into. Utilize extension cords where lights won’t be seen in order to save on cost of holiday lights.
Our debate in the office did agree that the strand of lights stays most taught when the strand is attached with a light bulb directly after the fastener in the direction you are moving. This may mean some adjustment to where your hook sits exactly but usually provides a better end result.
Once your holiday lights are up, plug those suckers in!!! Once you have confirmed your project is complete and your energy bill will be increased for the next 4-6 weeks, grab the adult beverage of your choice and enjoy the satisfaction of completing this DIY project!

Courtesy of Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation

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