Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Man vs. City Parking

Parking Wars have been declared in Downtown Las Vegas

As A&E’s hit reality series, Parking Wars, shows us, city parking enforcement officers take their jobs extremely seriously! And Las Vegas is no exception! Unfortunately, we have learned this the hard way on our latest downtown projects! And by hard way… we mean 11 parking tickets brought to our accounting department within one week, all from the same officer and all from the same job site!

Now, 11 may not seem as bad as you were expecting. But we probably should explain that this is just the one week we counted! Giving you the total number of parking tickets from this particular job would be… well… slightly embarrassing!
This is one week's parking tickets! (We usually only work Monday-Friday)

Our employee, who should remain nameless, swears the officer has it out for him. A feeling many people probably have after getting multiple parking tickets. But through investigation, we learned just how serious parking enforcement is. We just wanted to share, in hopes that you might avoid some of these mistakes!
  • Parking in any zone that is NOT for designated parking, can get you a ticket. Even if it’s only for one minute.
  • If the Parking Enforcement officer sees you parking illegally, even if it is only for one minute, he can write you a ticket.
  • If you park illegally and leave your vehicle, even if it is only for one minute, the Parking Enforcement officer is writing someone else a ticket at that moment, he can leave the car he is at, walk over to give you a ticket, and then go back to writing the other person a ticket.
  • If your meter expires, even if it is only one minute past due and you are walking out to your car; the Parking Enforcement officer can write you a ticket.
  • If you are walking out to your vehicle while they are writing you a ticket, they will finish writing the ticket and you are responsible to pay for it.
  • You can reserve meters through the Parking Enforcement office for $15/day. But these must be reserved in advance.
  • Calling the Parking Enforcement office directly will most likely get you the same answers stated above!
As you can see, the trend is that it doesn’t matter whether it is only for ONE minute. If the Parking Enforcement officer sees it, he can (and most likely will) write you a ticket. Needless to say, we are currently assisting the nameless employee in attempting to avoid getting additional parking tickets. However, that… is definitely easier said then done!


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